
Stan and I have been walking several times a week since December. We go a few miles, through town, loop around the sports park, up the hill toward my parents house and then find our way home again through various routes. I can't resist stopping to pick up coins I see on the ground. It's not because I need the extra change, and heck, I'm not even what you'd call patriotic, but I don't like the idea of our currency and national images laying around the streets getting kicked into the gutter by school children on their way home, peed on by dogs and driven over by Mack trucks. (Ew, I never thought of that second one till now.)
When we get home, I open my china closet, reach into my pocket, and drop whatever I find into a pottery tea pot I never use (because once, years ago, I had a temper tantrum that ended up breaking the handle, which I then carefully glued back on and now I'm not sure if it's strong enough to carry hot tea, so now it just sits there looking pretty and holding dirty coins.)
Since December I've picked up $1.23:
6 shiny perfect pennies
22 dirty mangled sad looking pennies (one wheat)
6 dimes
2 nickels
1 dark gray quarter
But I'm not really here to brag and flaunt. I'm you pick up pennies? And furthermore, do you pick up pennies that lay ~gasp~ head's down? Because I'm here to tell you, the people of my town don't. Approximately 98% (these are not scientific results) of the coins I picked up were tails up. And I'm telling you, if anything, my luck has been improving since December! I took statistics in college (and passed with a B+! - this still amazes me) so I am going to take an educated guess here and say when a penny falls, 50% of the time it will fall on heads and 50% of the time it will fall on tails. Right? So I believe there is another walker in town who is very superstitious and only picks up heads up coins. That's my educated guess. And I'd be willing to bet that choosy, superstitious and down-on-her-luck walker hasn't made anywhere near $1.23 in the last two months. Wait, that doesn't add up. According to my calculations, the picky walker may have made around $1.19. Oh, I don't know, but I just can't believe people don't bend over and pick up the coins rolling around our streets and neighborhoods and that even when they do, they're only picking up the ones that are heads up.
Later dudes. I'm going out to buy myself an ice cream.