Book o' Mine Postponed till....


4Temporarily interupted by the variables of life. 3

(Oh, and I can't do fiction this week either, so it's pot luck!)


Paul Nichols said…
Thanks for the Happy Father's Day note the other day.

Today is Tuesday, Juneteenth. As promised, read my blog...
rosemary said…
Well, I am all dressed and no place to go. I'll come back tomorrow but I already spilled soda on my dress, so it's jeans tomorrow. Are we supposed to bring a book; is that was pot luck means or is it your grab it and growl?
Jennie said…
Well, I actually looked up "potluck" before I typed it because 1, I love to look up words and 2, I wasn't exactly sure if it was the word I wanted. And my usage falls under the second defintion, I thought...

1 a: the regular meal available to a guest for whom no special preparations have been made b: a communal meal to which people bring food to share — usually used attributively - a potluck supper

2: whatever is offered or available in given circumstances or at a given time

Anyway...sorry about the dress. I've had 6 15 year old, 2 10 year old, and 1 5 year old boy - 9 boys! milling/eating/sleeping/etc around here for over 24 hours straight and gee I just can't seem to eek out a sensible thought. I hope to recover/make it through the summer.

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