Back to School...again
Tomorrow Sean will go back to school. I kept him home today, even though he finally got a cast on, because of swelling and just simply needed rest. It turns out I'm the only one who needs the rest, he's bouncing off the walls. We did have a good morning though. We made homemade peanut butter, read some early readers and did a bunch of coloring and writing for his homework.
Tonight is Back to School night, where we'll get to see the boys' classes and teachers. I am co-room-mother with a delightful woman named Joanna. We met the other day at the room-mother meeting and she and I hit it off. The Home and School Association asked that a room-mother read some HSA information tonight to the parents. I don't relish the thought of talking in front of people so I joked, pretending to write "Joanna" on the top of the paper they gave us. Later, as we were walking home in our opposite directions, Joanna yelled back, "What about this paper? Who's going to read it?" I said, "Oh, it doesn't matter. We'll flip a coin." She yelled back, "You know what? You do it - you're skinnier." I told you I like that woman.