I Miss My Computer

I'm getting a lot done around here, which is evidence of how often I sit down at my computer when it's working. So is my butt. Evidence, that is. I'm also working on that. By the way, Winsor Pilates does a nice job. One of my friends who likes to work on her butt copied her video onto dvd and just out of the blue offered her Winsor pilates vcr tape to me...hmmmm...Anyway, it does work. And it makes you feel a lot stronger. But I do miss that computer. It's supposed to be done today and it's supposed to be quicker.

I do miss downloading pictures....blog-hopping...stuff. Today I planted some seeds and bought some plants to pot for my porches. I have glorious porches, I will say that about the self-proclaimed handyman who used to own this house....He worked at IBM and every time we take down a wall or door frame we find stacks of old IBM computer cards wedged in as shims. Like, how can someone think they know what they're doing if they find themselves using paper as support for a big old house? But he built nice sturdy, ample porches held up by what, I do not know. Anyway, I like decorating my porches with flowers and hanging pottery bird houses and bells. Every year I spend a small fortune on flowers and luckily my hubby loves it. He really does! He loves seeing flowers everywhere. I also plant seeds every year. Pretty much the same ones. Tithonia and zinnia. My sunflowers come up volunteer every year. They are the envy of all who come around back and see them.

Well, the dog needs to be put out...and I need to get out of my husband's office so he can work so I can purty up the place with lotsa flowers and bells. So...until my old computer comes home....


rosemary said…
Not being able to sit for more than 10 minutes is helping my butt too....I'd love to have a porch...but Steve wants a Turret...yup, that's correct...a turret.
Mom said…
Our computers do become a big part of life. It is lonely when they don't work.
I would love to sit on your porch. It sounds beautiful.
Jennie said…
Somehow I can believe a man wanting a turret...it reminds me of the old study that found boys will build a tower with blocks, girls a wall. Turret...porches...seems right.

Mom, I wish you could come sit on my porch...we'd invite Rosemary too...I just hung new petunias on the back porch.

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