Kids Do Make Me Smile

My days are sparkled with the words, scenes and pictures that the children in my house leave in their paths. I do smile when I see the plastic pile of poop placed strategically on the stair landing or a self-portrait scratched on the back of a lined piece of paper next to the computer or when Luke creates some wild picture on Paint and surprises me by making it my background. And the things they say. Tomorrow's Friday Five Glimpses will feature some of Sean's words of the week. Today I'm sharing a couple of scenes from my days.

Sean and his cousin caught a cricket in the basement and in the scuffle the cricket lost a leg. So they built him a house. Then they called me to show off their charitable efforts.

Almost every time I open my picture file I find a new drawing of Luke's.

It could be a compilation of movie villians....

Or just something pulled from the far out reaches of his mind....

Or made up creatures and men called "dude" or "guy" or "Dan".....

Or his ode to his favorite song or band or the 2008 Beijing Olympics......

Or his friends and himself pictured with their favorite sports...(I scribbled)

Or just -

Sometimes though it's just the simple things, the every day eye-catching scenes that grab me and make me smirk. This is a common scene on the back porch that conjures up in me all sorts of emergency room visits, casts, braces and stitches. But it's life with boys, so instead of yelling (or in addition) I photograph. Someday they'll all live in their own homes and there will be no one around here to leave fake poop and things with wheels at the tops of steps.


rosemary said…
sniff.....I live in an empty nest with cats and dogs who don't know how to use the computer....but they do leave real poop for me.

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